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My Favorite Houseplant

This is my healthiest and happiest houseplant.  It's home is actually at my office, where it gets a lot more light than it would at my house.  I started this plant from a couple of cuttings a couple of years ago.  It has grown a ton since then!
This is my healthiest and happiest houseplant. It’s home is actually at my office, where it gets a lot more light than it would at my house. I started this plant from a couple of cuttings a couple of years ago. It has grown a ton since then!
Last Spring (about 8 months ago) I put some cuttings from the first plant and put them in a small vase with pebbles. (It used to be a Bonsai planter, but the Bonsai plant met a very sad death). The cuttings have grown significantly. The only downside is, the pebbles seem to encourage mold and junk to grow in the water. I have to rinse the vase and everything about every 2 months or so.
This is a “baby.” I started rooting this one in water about a month ago. I am going to keep it in the vase with water. It already has some new leaves popping!
The cuttings I put in a plain glass vase with water are the fastest growing plants in the office. I have taken cuttings TWICE in the 10 months and it’s due for another one soon! The roots are ugly to look at, so I am going to use colored vases from now on. No soil is needed! Just water. I let tap water sit for a few days before using it to water plants and fill the vases.
Last winter I unknowingly brought in a gnat infested plant. The gnats would go away, but keep coming back thicker and thicker. Then I found out the reason for the gnats was also because of the soil I used. I will never use Miracle Gro soil again! Well, a couple weeks ago I transplanted the plant again in fresh soil and put an inch of this Gnat Nix (link at bottom of post). I’m hoping this helps kill those little buggers! I also sprayed the pot with lemon Pledge and wiped it clean. Gnats don’t like lemon Pledge.  UPDATE:  The Gnat Nix did NOT work! =(  I ended up having to transplant it into a new pot after washing off the roots from all soil. It was a mess.  Gnats are terrible terrible terrible bugs.  

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