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Wedding Momento



There are a lot of crafts that involve maps on Pinterest.  I came up with this cute ornament momento in a haste of needing to give something cute and creative to a friend of mine for her wedding.  Yes, I actually already had the map on hand…my boyfriend laughed at me for taking a free one from the rest stop a couple months ago, but look at that-it had a purpose!


The materials I used were: Mod Podge (glossy), a road map, ceramic tile ornament from Walmart’s craft department, and some acryllic paint.  I also tied it off with ribbon that matched the wedding colors.  The map was glued onto the ornament and I put 4 layers of Mod Podge on it (I waited a day between each layer).  I carefully painted the heart and date on it then waited 48 hours before putting a last layer of Mod Podge on it.  The gift turned out really cute.

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