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Mouse Felt Ornament

Felt Ornament


Cookie cutters make this craft 100% easier.  It is a lot easier to follow a pattern than to freehand a shape. This can be a fun kid craft as well (use Elmer’s Glue instead of hot glue gun).

The basic materials needed are: felt, sharp scissors (FYI-the felt dulls scissors fast!), a pen or marking pencil and glue (I use hot glue). The cookie cutter was purchased off Amazon. SODIAL- Mickey Mouse Face Shape Cookie Cutter

Use a cookie cutter for the shape and trace it. Cut along the lines made.
For the red part, I used the bottom half of the cookie cutter and then glued this piece onto a black piece.
Need some stuffing? Cotton balls work great!

Here is the ornament before gluing the back on. As you can see, you will want to remember to glue a piece of ribbon on the inside (for the hanging part).  I spread out a cotton ball for minimal stuffing and glue it down. The cookie cutter is small so it can’t be too puffy of an ornament.

After gluing on the back, I added a couple dots of yellow paint.  This ornament is ready for the Christmas tree. If you use Elmer’s Glue, you will want to wait about 2 hours for the glue to dry before hanging it up.


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