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Ms. Jme’s Favorite Smoothie Recipe

This is the easiest and best tasting smoothie recipe, ever! I am not just saying that because I have made it up all by myself…Okay, I had some help from the recipe by Alton Brown from Food Network.  This recipe is enough for 2 servings and is less than 100 calories per glass.  It takes less time to make it than it does to wash the blender afterwards. Okay, I may be exaggerating a little bit. =)


First pour the juices into the mixer and then add the FROZEN fruit. No thawing needed! Blend until all the fruit clumps are gone. For some blenders it takes 1 minute, others it can take up to 3 minutes. If you are like me and hate seeds-blend for an extra minute, as this seems to help reduce them. Sometimes I add an extra ounce or two of juice because the smoothie is too thick.   I have it for breakfast sometimes and the smoothie is very filling. When I am running low on strawberries I just increase the peaches and it is still delicious.



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