These brownies are really cute and a great treat to take to family gatherings and holidays. It is very easy to make a plain brownie look this fabulous.
First, follow the directions on the box of brownie mix. I love boxed mixes, they save time and energy…I always add a squirt of REAL chocolate syrup (like Hershey’s) to add extra chocolate to it. Bake according to the directions and let them cool.
Find a cookie cutter and “cut” away. I used a 2 inch square one this time and left the hard edges (those are hard to cut with the cookie cutter).
Place wax paper under a drying rack and place the pieces on top. This makes it easy to clean when done.
Melt Almond Bark or any other Candy Melt (like Candi-Quik) according to the instructions on their package. Lightly drizzle it over the brownies in a kriss-kross pattern. It really dresses the brownies up and gives it an extra yummy crunch.