Glowing Snowman

This project is the result of me trying to figure out what to do with the battery-operated tea lights I purchased at the Dollar Tree.

I started with the tea light, a ping pong ball (also purchased at the Dollar Tree), felt and ribbon.
It is fairly easy to cut a small hole in the ping pong ball. This was my first step because it makes it easier to rest on the table after the face is painted on.
To make the hat I started with a 1 inch by 3 1/4 inch strip of felt and a 1 1/4 inch circle out of felt.
With a hot glue gun, I glued the 2 felt pieces together. A smaller circle for the top was cut out of felt and glued on.
Here you can see the cute snowman’s face and hat. I felt like it was missing something, so I glued a piece of ribbon along the bottom as a scarf.
Here is a bad picture of the snowman in the dark. It makes a cute winter figurine.



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