Magnet Menu Board

The photo above is my old kitchen note/menu board. It was hard to clean and I couldn’t stand it anymore so I found some materials and upgraded to a new one.

In my craft project stash I had a cheap 8X10  frame from the Dollar Tree, magnets left over from the mini-canvas project and a couple pieces of scrapbook paper. I highly recommend using a lighter colored/patterned paper. I may need to change it up so it is easier to read. Any kind of paper will work, especially construction paper or wrapping paper. Both of which you can purchase at the Dollar Tree.

I ripped off the “leg” and extra hooks that are on the back of the frame to make it lay flat. Since it was a cheap frame, it took very little effort to take them off.

I drew the template for the frame on the back of the scrapbook paper. I attached the scrapbook paper to the frames back with tape and put it back together.

Using the E-6000 glue, I carefully glued the magnets on the corners.

I let the glue dry for 30 minutes and prepared my new menu board. The glass is a lot easier to wipe clean.  I have seen this project in many pins on Pinterest. Some have the days of the week wrote on the paper inside the glass. I am not sure yet what style I want to have so I left it blank for now.  This menu board looks 1000 times better, don’t you think? It cost about two dollars to make it.  I use a magnetic dry erase marker I already have from a wipe off board. You can buy new ones on Amazon or at the store.


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