Nine years ago I was running the candy department at a store. If you know me, then you know what store, but that is not important info for this story. Anyway, I was doing my ordering and stocking and found that I could not keep Rolos on the shelf. I “caught” a woman buying a couple bags of them and asked her what she was using them for. Curiosity was killing me. She was nice enough to share this recipe with me. Apparently it was featured on television during a cooking segment or something. I don’t remember which one, but I do remember the important part-how to make them. These treats are fantastic to take to holiday gatherings or to just make and snack on at home.

Pretzels (I prefer the mini twist type)
and toppings of your choice (pecan halves and M&Ms are shown)
Preheat the oven for 350 degrees. Line up the pretzels on a cookie sheet and place a Rolo on top. There does not need to be too much space between each pretzel. The hardest part of this recipe is unwrapping all the Rolos. Bake the treats for 5 minutes.
Place your toppings on the melted Rolo and carefully squish it down. You need to do this right after it is taken out of the oven. Let the pan cool for 10 minutes then put it in the fridge for at least 30 minutes until the chocolate hardens. My favorite toppings to use are holiday M&Ms and pecans. Other ideas for toppings are peanuts, walnuts, or peanut M&Ms.