Shadow Lantern

Sometimes I have really great ideas, and sometimes they turn out better than expected. One of my friends is a huge pirate fan (not baseball, but actual pirate themed items).  For our Handmade Christmas I put this together for her and I have to share this craft with you. It … keep reading

Glue-Gun Carrying Case

I know that this is not something revolutionary for most, but this simple project is going to make life a bit easier for me…at least on Crafty Nights.  After a few hours of crafting with friends and needing to pack up my supplies, there is always that dreadful wait for … keep reading

Double Feather Hair Clip

This hair clip is very simple to make.  Materials needed are: feathers, an embellishment, hair clip, ribbon and hot glue. Line the hair clip with the ribbon.  Don’t forget to seal the ribbon ends! Glue the feathers to the back of the embellishment. If the embellishment is too small, use … keep reading

Fabric Rose

This fabric rose was the perfect addition to my Easter Basket.  I made a couple before, and they can be used for hair clips, shirt embellishments, or even wreath decorations.  The materials needed for this project are: felt cut into a circle the size and color of the rose,  a … keep reading


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