PB & Pumpkin Dog Treats

Pumpkin is not just for fall and not just for humans. Pumpkin is fantastic for dog tummies too! I whipped up this recipe for a furry friend of mine and then realized that this is the first pumpkin based recipe that I have baked so far this Fall. Some (okay, … keep reading

Chicken/Parsley Dog Treats

These treats are another Charley fave, even though they don’t have peanut butter in them. I have researched Parsley and some people say it may help bad breath. I have not noticed Charley’s breath being any different, but I like using it because it gives the treat some color. Preheat … keep reading

Pumpkin/PB/Carrot Dog Treats

Dog Treats are one of the easiest things to make and bake.  Plus, homemade treats save lots of $$$.  I decided to make some with Pumpkin because my dog Charley has had a little bit of an upset tummy lately and Pumpkin is a great source of fiber and nutrients. … keep reading

Simple Peanut Butter Dog Treats

I don’t think there are many dogs that don’t LOVE peanut butter. My dog Charley goes crazy when she knows I am making anything with the nutty stuff.  Today I whipped up a batch of some pb treats to share.  In the past I just tossed things into the bowl … keep reading

Diva Dog TuTu

I wanted to make something cute and unique for my dog Charley to wear in the local St. Patrick’s Day parade. My original plan was to puffy paint “I got Shit Zu faced on St.Pat’s Day,” but the skirt is a lot cuter and brings out the diva in her. … keep reading

Dog Toy Box

A place for all of Charley’s toys. My dog leaves her toys all over the house.  When I pick them up, I just put them in a pile for her to dig through  later.  I have been wanting to get a toy box or basket for them, but never got … keep reading


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